ALRiM: Luxembourg Association for Risk Management
ALRiM has been dedicated to developing risk management in Luxembourg and internationally since its foundation on July 1, 1997 under the name of “PRiM”. ALRiM is a non-profit organisation (association sans but lucratif), the members of which are professionals with an interest in risk management.
ALRiM Debt Conference: 27/06/2022
The Bandit hiding in Plain Sight: this ALRiM-organized event was a unique opportunity to review facts and expand our horizons about the consequences and risks arising from debt levels increasing at a rate not seen since WWII. Thanks to H.E Yuriko Backes, Prof....
ALRiM 2020 Review & 2021 Wishes
As 2020 drew to an end and 2021 gets going... Read more
Voir le risk management comme une valeur ajoutée Entre de nouveaux risques à appréhender qui apparaissent et une hausse des obligations réglementaires et de reporting qui se profile, la profession de risk manager voit de nouveaux défis se dessiner. Lire la...